Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
trol. The Sunny Boy therefore is not only a simple standalone device as it can be part
of one big PV-plant that has one central control and monitoring facility.
Two independent one-chip computers monitor the grid. This fully complies with the
according regulations of the VDEW and the employee associations. The grid monitor-
ing is done by determining the grid impedance with a so-called MSD (Mains monitor-
ing with allocated Switching Devices, German = ENS). This means the Sunny Boy
can be connected to the in-house network at practically every spot which substan-
tially simplifies its installation. The relevant regulations and standards of course must
be kept to.
The case is made of stainless steel which protects the inverter from dust and water
up to IP 65. The Sunny Boy can therefore be mounted nearly anywhere inside or
outside the house with an ambient temperature range of –25 °C to +60 °C.
Personnel protection is a very important issue even with small PV-plants. The grid
and the PV-panels are electrically separated while the insulation is constantly moni-
tored. All applicable standards and regulations for personnel safety and EMC are
complied with.