Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
Blinking code 2: Grid Failure
The yellow failure indication LED is activated for 5 seconds, is out for 3 seconds and
then blinks twice. The code is sent three times.
If the failure consists the indication blinking code is repeated.
The Sunny Boy is indicating a failure which has one of the following reasons (see
also Table 9.1 on page 79.
Low grid voltage ( < V
AC min
see )
High grid voltage ( > V
AC max
Low grid frequency (< f
AC min
High grid frequency ( > f
AC max
Drastic change of frequency ( > |dF
Check the electric grid supply (check the function of other electric consumers) and
check the fuse of the mains connector to the Sunny Boy.
If you do not find any failure have the grid connection to the Sunny Boy
checked by a qualified electrician. Check the correct connection and the
fuse in the Sunny Boy (see Fig. 5.3: Interior of the ).
Do not forget to disconnect the Sunny Boy before opening the device. Fol-
low the instructions for opening and closing of the Sunny Boy given in
chapter 5.1.