Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
1 Introduction
By purchasing a Sunny Boy
® 1
String Inverter you have decided to use one of the
most advanced devices for modular PV system technology. The Sunny Boy inverters
are the first systems that utilize the String Technology from SMA and convince with
their outstanding qualities concerning efficiency and reliability.
The Sunny Boys comply with all regulations from the VDEW (Association of German
Electricity Producers) for supplementary grid feeding to the low voltage electricity grid
of the utility. This includes the regulations of the employee association
(Berufsgenossenschaft für Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik) concerning the “Inde-
pendent Disconnection Device“ known as MSD (Mains monitoring device with allo-
cated Switching Devices) and the regulations of the DIN VDE 0126. Furthermore the
Sunny Boy complies with the according harmonised standards and the low voltage
regulations as certified in the CE declaration (see appendix).
In the following you will find the technical description of the Sunny Boy 700. Don’t
worry about its size, it is not necessary to read everything. This technical description
is both installer’s guide and user manual, so it is used as reference for the commis-
sioning and as guideline on how to use all functions of the inverter optimally and how
you can extend your existing PV-plant.
Sunny Boy is a registered Trademark of SMA Regelsysteme GmbH