Digital filter for sigma delta modulators (DFSDM)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Analog watchdog filter data for given channel y is available for reading by firmware on field
WDATA[15:0] in DFSDM_CHyWDATR register. That analog watchdog filter data is
converted continuously (if CHEN=1 in DFSDM_CHyCFGR1 register) with the data rate
given by the analog watchdog filter setting and the channel input clock frequency.
The analog watchdog filter conversion works like a regular Fast Continuous Conversion
without the intergator. The number of serial samples needed for one result from analog
watchdog filter output (at channel input clock frequency f
first conversion:
for Sinc
filters (x=1..5): number of samples = [F
* F
+ F
+ 1]
for FastSinc filter: number of samples = [F
* 4 + 2 + 1]
next conversions:
for Sinc
and FastSinc filters: number of samples = [FOSR * IOSR]
....... filter oversampling ratio: F
....... the filter order: F
= AWFORD[1:0] (see DFSDM_CHyAWSCDR register)
In case of output data register monitoring (AWFSEL=0), the comparison is done after a right
bit shift and an offset correction of final data (see OFFSET[23:0] and DTRBS[4:0] fields in
DFSDM_CHyCFGR2 register). A comparison is performed after each injected or regular
end of conversion for the channels selected by AWDCH[7:0] field (in DFSDM_FLTxCR2
The status of an analog watchdog event is signalized in DFSDM_FLTxAWSR register where
a given event is latched. AWHTF[y]=1 flag signalizes crossing AWHT[23:0] value on
channel y. AWLTF[y]=1 flag signalizes crossing AWLT[23:0] value on channel y. Latched
events in DFSDM_FLTxAWSR register are cleared by writing ‘1’ into the corresponding
clearing bit CLRAWHTF[y] or CLRAWLTF[y] in DFSDM_FLTxAWCFR register.
The global status of an analog watchdog is signalized by the AWDF flag bit in
DFSDM_FLTxISR register (it is used for the fast detection of an interrupt source). AWDF=1
signalizes that at least one watchdog occurred (AWHTF[y]=1 or AWLTF[y]=1 for at least one
channel). AWDF bit is cleared when all AWHTF[7:0] and AWLTF[7:0] are cleared.
An analog watchdog event can be assigned to break output signal. There are four break
outputs to be assigned to a high or low threshold crossing event (
). The
break signal assignment to a given analog watchdog event is done by BKAWH[3:0] and
BKAWL[3:0] fields in DFSDM_FLTxAWHTR and DFSDM_FLTxAWLTR register.
24.4.11 Short-circuit
The purpose of a short-circuit detector is to signalize with a very fast response time if an
analog signal reached saturated values (out of full scale ranges) and remained on this value
given time. This behavior can detect short-circuit or open circuit errors (e.g. overcurrent or
overvoltage). An interrupt/event/break generation can be invoked.
Input data into a short-circuit detector is taken from channel transceiver outputs.
There is an upcounting counter on each input channel which is counting consecutive 0’s or
1’s on serial data receiver outputs. A counter is restarted if there is a change in the data
stream received - 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 change of data signal. If this counter reaches a short-circuit
threshold register value (SCDT[7:0] bits in DFSDM_CHyAWSCDR register), then a short-