DocID024597 Rev 5
Chrom-Art Accelerator™ controller (DMA2D)
Bit 8
: Transfer error interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: TE interrupt disable
1: TE interrupt enable
Bits 7:3 Reserved, must be kept at reset value
Bit 2
: Abort
This bit can be used to abort the current transfer. This bit is set by software and is
automatically reset by hardware when the START bit is reset.
0: No transfer abort requested
1: Transfer abort requested
Bit 1
: Suspend
This bit can be used to suspend the current transfer. This bit is set and reset by
software. It is automatically reset by hardware when the START bit is reset.
0: Transfer not suspended
1: Transfer suspended
Bit 0
: Start
This bit can be used to launch the DMA2D according to the parameters loaded in the
various configuration registers. This bit is automatically reset by the following events:
At the end of the transfer
When the data transfer is aborted by the user application by setting the ABORT
bit in DMA2D_CR
When a data transfer error occurs
When the data transfer has not started due to a configuration error or another
transfer operation already ongoing (automatic CLUT loading).