USB on-the-go full-speed (OTG_FS)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Bit 18
IN endpoint interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate that an interrupt is pending on one of the IN endpoints of the
core (in device mode). The application must read the OTG_DAINT register to determine the
exact number of the IN endpoint on which the interrupt occurred, and then read the
corresponding OTG_DIEPINTx register to determine the exact cause of the interrupt. The
application must clear the appropriate status bit in the corresponding OTG_DIEPINTx
register to clear this bit.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bits 17:16 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 15
End of periodic frame interrupt
Indicates that the period specified in the periodic frame interval field of the OTG_DCFG
register (PFIVL bit in OTG_DCFG) has been reached in the current frame.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 14
Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt
The core sets this bit when it fails to write an isochronous OUT packet into the Rx FIFO
because the Rx FIFO does not have enough space to accommodate a maximum size
packet for the isochronous OUT endpoint.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 13
Enumeration done
The core sets this bit to indicate that speed enumeration is complete. The application must
read the OTG_DSTS register to obtain the enumerated speed.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 12
USB reset
The core sets this bit to indicate that a reset is detected on the USB.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 11
USB suspend
The core sets this bit to indicate that a suspend was detected on the USB. The core enters
the Suspended state when there is no activity on the data lines for an extended period of
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 10
Early suspend
The core sets this bit to indicate that an Idle state has been detected on the USB for 3 ms.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bits 9:8 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 7
Global OUT NAK effective
Indicates that the Set global OUT NAK bit in the OTG_DCTL register (SGONAK bit in
OTG_DCTL), set by the application, has taken effect in the core. This bit can be cleared by
writing the Clear global OUT NAK bit in the OTG_DCTL register (CGONAK bit in
Note: Only accessible in device mode.