DocID024597 Rev 5
Digital filter for sigma delta modulators (DFSDM)
DFSDM main features
Up to 8 multiplexed input digital serial channels:
configurable SPI interface to connect various
configurable Manchester coded 1 wire interface support
clock output for
Alternative inputs from up to 8 internal digital parallel channels:
inputs with up to 16 bit resolution
internal sources: ADCs data
or memory (CPU/DMA write) data streams
Adjustable digital signal processing:
filter: filter order/type (1..5), oversampling ratio (up to 1..1024)
integrator: oversampling ratio (1..256)
Up to 24-bit output data resolution:
right bit-shifter on final data (0..31 bits)
Signed output data format
Automatic data offset correction (offset stored in register by user)
Continuous or single conversion
Start-of-conversion synchronization with:
software trigger
internal timers
external events
start-of-conversion synchronously with first DFSDM filter (DFSDM_FLT0)
Analog watchdog feature:
low value and high value data threshold registers
own configurable Sinc
digital filter (order = 1..3, oversampling ratio = 1..32)
input from output data register or from one or more input digital serial channels
continuous monitoring independently from standard conversion
Short-circuit detector to detect saturated analog input values (bottom and top ranges):
up to 8-bit counter to detect 1..256 consecutive 0’s or 1’s on input data stream
monitoring continuously each channel (8 serial channel transceiver outputs)
Break generation on analog watchdog event or short-circuit detector event
Extremes detector:
store minimum and maximum values of output data values
refreshed by software
DMA may be used to read the conversion data
Interrupts: end of conversion, overrun, analog watchdog, short-circuit, channel clock
“regular” or “injected” conversions:
“regular” conversions can be requested at any time or even in continuous mode
without having any impact on the timing of “injected” conversions
a. STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices only.