Reset and clock control (RCC)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Bit 31
: DFSDM1 clock source selection
This bit is set and cleared by software to select the DFSDM1 clock source.
0: APB2 (PCLK2) selected as DFSDM1 clock
1: System clock (SYSCLK) used as DFSDM1 clock
Bit 30
: SWPMI1 clock source selection
This bit is set and cleared by software to select the SWPMI1 clock source.
0: APB1 (PCLK1) selected as SWPMI1 clock
1: HSI16 clock selected as SWPMI1 clock
Bits 29:28
: ADCs clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the clock source used by the ADC
00: No clock selected
01: PLLSAI1 “R” clock (PLLADC1CLK) selected as ADCs clock
10: PLLSAI2 “R” clock (PLLADC2CLK) selected as ADCs clock
11: System clock selected as ADCs clock
Bits 27:26
: 48 MHz clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the 48 MHz clock source used by USB
00: HSI48 clock selected as 48 MHz clock (only for STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices, otherwise
no clock selected)
01: PLLSAI1 “Q” clock (PLL48M2CLK) selected as 48 MHz clock
10: PLL “Q” clock (PLL48M1CLK) selected as 48 MHz clock
11: MSI clock selected as 48 MHz clock
Bits 25:24
: SAI2 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the SAI2 clock source.
00: PLLSAI1 “P” clock (PLLSAI1CLK) selected as SAI2 clock
01: PLLSAI2 “P” clock (PLLSAI2CLK) selected as SAI2 clock
10: PLL “P” clock (PLLSAI3CLK) selected as SAI2 clock
11: External input SAI2_EXTCLK selected as SAI2 clock
If the selected clock is the external clock, it is not possible to switch to
another clock if the external clock is not present.
Bits 23:22
: SAI1 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the SAI1 clock source.
00: PLLSAI1 “P” clock (PLLSAI1CLK) selected as SAI1 clock
01: PLLSAI2 “P” clock (PLLSAI2CLK) selected as SAI1 clock
10: PLL “P” clock (PLLSAI3CLK) selected as SAI1 clock
11: External input SAI1_EXTCLK selected as SAI1 clock
If the selected clock is the external clock, it is not possible to switch to
another clock if the external clock is not present.
Bits 21:20
: Low power timer 2 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the LPTIM2 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as LPTIM2 clock
01: LSI clock selected as LPTIM2 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as LPTIM2 clock
11: LSE clock selected as LPTIM2 clock