DocID024597 Rev 5
Reset and clock control (RCC)
Bits 19:18
: Low power timer 1 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the LPTIM1 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as LPTIM1 clock
01: LSI clock selected as LPTIM1 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as LPTIM1 clock
11: LSE clock selected as LPTIM1 clock
Bits 17:16
: I2C3 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the I2C3 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as I2C3 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as I2C3 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as I2C3 clock
11: Reserved
Bits 15:14
: I2C2 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the I2C2 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as I2C2 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as I2C2 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as I2C2 clock
11: Reserved
Bits 13:12
: I2C1 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the I2C1 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as I2C1 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as I2C1 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as I2C1 clock
11: Reserved
Bits 11:10
: LPUART1 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the LPUART1 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as LPUART1 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as LPUART1 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as LPUART1 clock
11: LSE clock selected as LPUART1 clock
Bits 9:8
: UART5 clock source selection
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the UART5 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as UART5 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as UART5 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as UART5 clock
11: LSE clock selected as UART5 clock
Bits 7:6
: UART4 clock source selection
This bit is set and cleared by software to select the UART4 clock source.
00: PCLK selected as UART4 clock
01: System clock (SYSCLK) selected as UART4 clock
10: HSI16 clock selected as UART4 clock
11: LSE clock selected as UART4 clock