Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)
DocID024597 Rev 5
at BRs, bit 1 to bit 6 are sampled at BR0, and further bits of the character are sampled
at BR6.
In parallel, another check is performed for each intermediate transition of RX line. An
error is generated if the transitions on RX are not sufficiently synchronized with the
receiver (the receiver being based on the baud rate calculated on bit 0).
Prior to activating auto baud rate detection, the USART_BRR register must be initialized by
writing a non-zero baud rate value.
The automatic baud rate detection is activated by setting the ABREN bit in the USART_CR2
register. The USART will then wait for the first character on the RX line. The auto baud rate
operation completion is indicated by the setting of the ABRF flag in the USART_ISR
register. If the line is noisy, the correct baud rate detection cannot be guaranteed. In this
case the BRR value may be corrupted and the ABRE error flag will be set. This also
happens if the communication speed is not compatible with the automatic baud rate
detection range (bit duration not between 16 and 65536 clock periods (oversampling by 16)
and not between 8 and 65536 clock periods (oversampling by 8)).
The RXNE interrupt will signal the end of the operation.
At any later time, the auto baud rate detection may be relaunched by resetting the ABRF
flag (by writing a 0).
If the USART is disabled (UE=0) during an auto baud rate operation, the BRR value may be
Multiprocessor communication using USART
In multiprocessor communication, the following bits are to be kept cleared:
LINEN bit in the USART_CR2 register,
HDSEL, IREN and SCEN bits in the USART_CR3 register.
It is possible to perform multiprocessor communication with the USART (with several
USARTs connected in a network). For instance one of the USARTs can be the master, its TX
output connected to the RX inputs of the other USARTs. The others are slaves, their
respective TX outputs are logically ANDed together and connected to the RX input of the
In multiprocessor configurations it is often desirable that only the intended message
recipient should actively receive the full message contents, thus reducing redundant USART
service overhead for all non addressed receivers.
The non addressed devices may be placed in mute mode by means of the muting function.
In order to use the mute mode feature, the MME bit must be set in the USART_CR1
In mute mode:
None of the reception status bits can be set.
All the receive interrupts are inhibited.
The RWU bit in USART_ISR register is set to 1. RWU can be controlled automatically
by hardware or by software, through the MMRQ bit in the USART_RQR register, under
certain conditions.