USB on-the-go full-speed (OTG_FS)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Generic non-periodic IN data transfers
Application requirements:
Before setting up an IN transfer, the application must ensure that all data to be
transmitted as part of the IN transfer are part of a single buffer.
2. For IN transfers, the Transfer Size field in the Endpoint Transfer Size register denotes a
payload that constitutes multiple maximum-packet-size packets and a single short
packet. This short packet is transmitted at the end of the transfer.
To transmit a few maximum-packet-size packets and a short packet at the end of
the transfer:
Transfer size[EPNUM] =
If (sp > 0), then packet count[EPNUM] = x + 1.
Otherwise, packet count[EPNUM] =
To transmit a single zero-length data packet:
Transfer size[EPNUM] = 0
Packet count[EPNUM] = 1
To transmit a few maximum-packet-size packets and a zero-length data packet at
the end of the transfer, the application must split the transfer into two parts. The
first sends maximum-packet-size data packets and the second sends the zero-
length data packet alone.
First transfer: transfer size[EPNUM] =
× MPSIZ[epnum]; packet count =
Second transfer: transfer size[EPNUM] = 0; packet count = 1;
3. Once an endpoint is enabled for data transfers, the core updates the Transfer size
register. At the end of the IN transfer, the application must read the Transfer size
register to determine how much data posted in the transmit FIFO have already been
sent on the USB.
4. Data fetched into transmit FIFO = Application-programmed initial transfer size – core-
updated final transfer size
Data transmitted on USB = (application-programmed initial packet count – Core
updated final packet count) × MPSIZ[EPNUM]
Data yet to be transmitted on USB = (Application-programmed initial transfer size
– data transmitted on USB)
Internal data flow:
The application must set the transfer size and packet count fields in the endpoint-
specific registers and enable the endpoint to transmit the data.
2. The application must also write the required data to the transmit FIFO for the endpoint.
3. Every time a packet is written into the transmit FIFO by the application, the transfer size
for that endpoint is decremented by the packet size. The data is fetched from the
memory by the application, until the transfer size for the endpoint becomes 0. After
writing the data into the FIFO, the “number of packets in FIFO” count is incremented
(this is a 3-bit count, internally maintained by the core for each IN endpoint transmit
FIFO. The maximum number of packets maintained by the core at any time in an IN
endpoint FIFO is eight). For zero-length packets, a separate flag is set for each FIFO,
without any data in the FIFO.
4. Once the data are written to the transmit FIFO, the core reads them out upon receiving
an IN token. For every non-isochronous IN data packet transmitted with an ACK