Embedded Flash memory (FLASH)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Bit 31
This bit is set only. When set, the FLASH_CR register is locked. It is cleared by
hardware after detecting the unlock sequence.
In case of an unsuccessful unlock operation, this bit remains set until the next
system reset.
Bit 30
Options Lock
This bit is set only. When set, all bits concerning user option in FLASH_CR
register and so option page are locked. This bit is cleared by hardware after
detecting the unlock sequence. The LOCK bit must be cleared before doing the
unlock sequence for OPTLOCK bit.
In case of an unsuccessful unlock operation, this bit remains set until the next
Bits 29:28 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 27
: Force the option byte loading
When set to 1, this bit forces the option byte reloading. This bit is cleared only
when the option byte loading is complete. It cannot be written if OPTLOCK is set.
0: Option byte loading complete
1: Option byte loading requested
Bit 26
: PCROP read error interrupt enable
This bit enables the interrupt generation when the RDERR bit in the FLASH_SR
is set to 1.
0: PCROP read error interrupt disabled
1: PCROP read error interrupt enabled
Bit 25
: Error interrupt enable
This bit enables the interrupt generation when the OPERR bit in the FLASH_SR
is set to 1.
0: OPERR error interrupt disabled
1: OPERR error interrupt enabled
Bit 24
: End of operation interrupt enable
This bit enables the interrupt generation when the EOP bit in the FLASH_SR is
set to 1.
0: EOP Interrupt disabled
1: EOP Interrupt enabled
Bits 23:19 Reserved, must be kept at reset value
Bit 18
: Fast programming
0: Fast programming disabled
1: Fast programming enabled
Bit 17
: Options modification start
This bit triggers an options operation when set.
This bit is set only by software, and is cleared when the BSY bit is cleared in
Bit 16
: Start
This bit triggers an erase operation when set. If MER1, MER2 and PER bits are
reset and the STRT bit is set, an unpredictable behavior may occur without
generating any error flag. This condition should be forbidden.
This bit is set only by software, and is cleared when the BSY bit is cleared in