DocID024597 Rev 5
Quad-SPI interface (QUADSPI)
17.4.11 QUADSPI
The operating mode is selected using FMODE[1:0] (QUADSPI_CCR[27:26]).
Indirect mode procedure
When FMODE is programmed to 00, indirect write mode is selected and data can be sent to
the Flash memory. With FMODE = 01, indirect read mode is selected where data can be
read from the Flash memory.
When the QUADSPI is used in indirect mode, the frames are constructed in the following
Specify a number of data bytes to read or write in the QUADSPI_DLR.
2. Specify the frame format, mode and instruction code in the QUADSPI_CCR.
3. Specify optional alternate byte to be sent right after the address phase in the
4. Specify the operating mode in the QUADSPI_CR. If FMODE = 00 (indirect write mode)
and DMAEN = 1, then QUADSPI_AR should be specified before QUADSPI_CR,
because otherwise QUADSPI_DR might be written by the DMA before QUADSPI_AR
is updated (if the DMA controller has already been enabled)
5. Specify the targeted address in the QUADSPI_AR.
6. Read/Write the data from/to the FIFO through the QUADSPI_DR.
When writing the control register (QUADSPI_CR) the user specifies the following settings:
The enable bit (EN) set to ‘1’
The DMA enable bit (DMAEN) for transferring data to/from RAM
Timeout counter enable bit (TCEN)
Sample shift setting (SSHIFT)
FIFO threshold level (FTRHES) to indicate when the FTF flag should be set
Interrupt enables
Automatic polling mode parameters: match mode and stop mode (valid when
FMODE = 11)
Clock prescaler
When writing the communication configuration register (QUADSPI_CCR) the user specifies
the following parameters:
The instruction byte through the INSTRUCTION bits
The way the instruction has to be sent through the IMODE bits (1/2/4 lines)
The way the address has to be sent through the ADMODE bits (None/1/2/4 lines)
The address size (8/16/24/32-bit) through the ADSIZE bits
The way the alternate bytes have to be sent through the ABMODE (None/1/2/4 lines)
The alternate bytes number (1/2/3/4) through the ABSIZE bits
The presence or not of dummy bytes through the DBMODE bit
The number of dummy bytes through the DCYC bits
The way the data have to be sent/received (None/1/2/4 lines) through the DMODE bits
If neither the address register (QUADSPI_AR) nor the data register (QUADSPI_DR) need to
be updated for a particular command, then the command sequence starts as soon as