DocID024597 Rev 5
Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
Bits 11:8
: DAC channel1 mask/amplitude selector
These bits are written by software to select mask in wave generation mode or amplitude in
triangle generation mode.
0000: Unmask bit0 of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 1
0001: Unmask bits[1:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 3
0010: Unmask bits[2:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 7
0011: Unmask bits[3:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 15
0100: Unmask bits[4:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 31
0101: Unmask bits[5:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 63
0110: Unmask bits[6:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 127
0111: Unmask bits[7:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 255
1000: Unmask bits[8:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 511
1001: Unmask bits[9:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 1023
1010: Unmask bits[10:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 2047
1011: Unmask bits[11:0] of LFSR/ triangle amplitude equal to 4095
Bits 7:6
: DAC channel1 noise/triangle wave generation enable
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: wave generation disabled
01: Noise wave generation enabled
1x: Triangle wave generation enabled
Note: Only used if bit TEN1 = 1 (DAC channel1 trigger enabled).
Bits 5:3
: DAC channel1 trigger selection
These bits select the external event used to trigger DAC channel1
000: Timer 6 TRGO event
001: Timer 8 TRGO event
010: Timer 7 TRGO event
011: Timer 5 TRGO event
100: Timer 2 TRGO event
101: Timer 4 TRGO event
110: External line9
111: Software trigger
Note: Only used if bit TEN1 = 1 (DAC channel1 trigger enabled).
Bit 2
: DAC channel1 trigger enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC channel1 trigger.
0: DAC channel1 trigger disabled and data written into the DAC_DHRx register are
transferred one APB1 clock cycle later to the DAC_DOR1 register
1: DAC channel1 trigger enabled and data from the DAC_DHRx register are transferred
three APB1 clock cycles later to the DAC_DOR1 register
Note: When software trigger is selected, the transfer from the DAC_DHRx register to the
DAC_DOR1 register takes only one APB1 clock cycle.
Bit 1 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 0
: DAC channel1 enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC channel1.
0: DAC channel1 disabled
1: DAC channel1 enabled