DocID024597 Rev 5
Real-time clock (RTC)
Bits 7, 6 and 4 of this register can be written in initialization mode only (RTC_ISR/INITF = 1).
WUT = Wakeup unit counter value. WUT = (0x0000 to 0xFFFF) + 0x10000 added when
WUCKSEL[2:1 = 11].
Bits 2 to 0 of this register can be written only when RTC_CR WUTE bit = 0 and RTC_ISR
WUTWF bit = 1.
It is recommended not to change the hour during the calendar hour increment as it could
mask the incrementation of the calendar hour.
ADD1H and SUB1H changes are effective in the next second.
This register is write protected. The write access procedure is described in
TSE must be reset when TSEDGE is changed to avoid spuriously setting of TSF.
Bit 4
: RTC_REFIN reference clock detection enable (50 or 60 Hz)
0: RTC_REFIN detection disabled
1: RTC_REFIN detection enabled
Note: PREDIV_S must be 0x00FF.
Bit 3
: Time-stamp event active edge
0: RTC_TS input rising edge generates a time-stamp event
1: RTC_TS input falling edge generates a time-stamp event
TSE must be reset when TSEDGE is changed to avoid unwanted TSF setting.
Bits 2:0
: Wakeup clock selection
000: RTC/16 clock is selected
001: RTC/8 clock is selected
010: RTC/4 clock is selected
011: RTC/2 clock is selected
10x: ck_spre (usually 1 Hz) clock is selected
11x: ck_spre (usually 1 Hz) clock is selected and 2
is added to the WUT counter value
(see note below)