Serial peripheral interface (SPI)
DocID024597 Rev 5
transacted to prevent some dummy byte exchange (refer to
section). Before
the SPI is disabled in these modes, the user must follow standard disable procedure. When
the SPI is disabled at the master transmitter while a frame transaction is ongoing or next
data frame is stored in TXFIFO, the SPI behavior is not guaranteed.
When the master is in any receive only mode, the only way to stop the continuous clock is to
disable the peripheral by SPE=0. This must occur in specific time window within last data
frame transaction just between the sampling time of its first bit and before its last bit transfer
starts (in order to receive a complete number of expected data frames and to prevent any
additional “dummy” data reading after the last valid data frame). Specific procedure must be
followed when disabling SPI in this mode.
Data received but not read remains stored in RXFIFO when the SPI is disabled, and must
be processed the next time the SPI is enabled, before starting a new sequence. To prevent
having unread data, ensure that RXFIFO is empty when disabling the SPI, by using the
correct disabling procedure, or by initializing all the SPI registers with a software reset via
the control of a specific register dedicated to peripheral reset (see the SPIiRST bits in the
RCC_APBiRSTR registers).
Standard disable procedure is based on pulling BSY status together with FTLVL[1:0] to
check if a transmission session is fully completed. This check can be done in specific cases,
too, when it is necessary to identify the end of ongoing transactions, for example:
When NSS signal is managed by software and master has to provide proper end of
NSS pulse for slave, or
When transactions’ streams from DMA or FIFO are completed while the last data frame
or CRC frame transaction is still ongoing in the peripheral bus.
The correct disable procedure is (except when receive only mode is used):
Wait until FTLVL[1:0] = 00 (no more data to transmit).
2. Wait until BSY=0 (the last data frame is processed).
3. Disable
the SPI (SPE=0).
4. Read data until FRLVL[1:0] = 00 (read all the received data).
The correct disable procedure for certain receive only modes is:
Interrupt the receive flow by disabling SPI (SPE=0) in the specific time window while
the last data frame is ongoing.
2. Wait until BSY=0 (the last data frame is processed).
3. Read data until FRLVL[1:0] = 00 (read all the received data).
If packing mode is used and an odd number of data frames with a format less than or equal
to 8 bits (fitting into one byte) has to be received, FRXTH must be set when FRLVL[1:0] =
01, in order to generate the RXNE event to read the last odd data frame and to keep good
FIFO pointer alignment.
Data packing
When the data frame size fits into one byte (less than or equal to 8 bits), data packing is
used automatically when any read or write 16-bit access is performed on the SPIx_DR
register. The double data frame pattern is handled in parallel in this case. At first, the SPI
operates using the pattern stored in the LSB of the accessed word, then with the other half
stored in the MSB.
provides an example of data packing mode sequence
handling. Two data frames are sent after the single 16-bit access the SPIx_DR register of
the transmitter. This sequence can generate just one RXNE event in the receiver if the