DocID024597 Rev 5
Real-time clock (RTC)
RTC main features
The RTC unit main features are the following (see
Calendar with subseconds, seconds, minutes, hours (12 or 24 format), day (day of
week), date (day of month), month, and year.
Daylight saving compensation programmable by software.
Programmable alarm with interrupt function. The alarm can be triggered by any
combination of the calendar fields.
Automatic wakeup unit generating a periodic flag that triggers an automatic wakeup
Reference clock detection: a more precise second source clock (50 or 60 Hz) can be
used to enhance the calendar precision.
Accurate synchronization with an external clock using the subsecond shift feature.
Digital calibration circuit (periodic counter correction): 0.95 ppm accuracy, obtained in a
calibration window of several seconds
Time-stamp function for event saving
Tamper detection event with configurable filter and internal pull-up
Maskable interrupts/events:
Alarm A
Alarm B
Wakeup interrupt
Tamper detection
32 backup registers.