Command: ipv6 pim bsr-candidate <ifname> [<hash-mask-length>] [<priority>]
no ipv6 pim bsr-candidate [ifname]
This command is the candidate BSR configure command in global mode and
is used to configure PIM-SM information about candidate BSR in order to compete the
BSR router with other candidate BSRs.
The command
“no ipv6 pim bsr-candidate
command disables the candidate BSR.
Parameter: <ifname>
is the specified interface name;
is the specified hash mask length.It’s used for the RP enable
selection and ranges from 0 to 32.;
is the candidate BSR priority and ranges from 0 to 255. If this parameter
is not configured ,the default priority value is 0
This switch is not a candidate BSR router
Command Mode:
Global Mode
Usage Guide:
This command is the candidate BSR configure command in global mode
and is used to configure PIM-SM information about candidate BSR in order to compete
the BSR router with other candidate BSRs. Only this command is configured , this switch
is the BSR candidate router.
Globally configure the interface vlan1 as the candidate BSR-message
transmitting interface.
Switch (Config)# ipv6 pim bsr-candidate vlan1 30 10 ipv6 pim cisco-register-checksum
Command:ipv6 pim cisco-register-checksum [group-list <access-list name>| ]
no ipv6 pim cisco-register-checksum [group-list <access-list name>| ]
Configure the register packet’s checksum of the group specified by myfilter to
use the whole packet’s length.
: Compute the checksum according to the regester packets’s head length default:
Parameter: <access-list name>
is the applying simple access-list.
Command Mode:
Global Mode
Usage Guide:
This command is uesd to interact with older Cisco IOS version.
Configure the register packet’s ckecksum of the group specified by myfilter to
use the whole packet’s length.
ipv6 pim cisco-register-checksum group-list myfilter
Switch(config)#ipv6 access-list myfilter permit ff1e::10/128 ipv6 pim dr-priority
Command: ipv6 pim dr-priority <priority>