6.2 Switching on for the first time
3RW44 soft starters
Manual, 03/2017, NEB535219502000/RS-AB/008
Quick Start menu
After applying the control supply voltage for the first time, you will automatically be in the
quick start menu, which you must go through once to commission the soft starter for the first
In the quick start menu, you need to enter the information needed to preset the most
important parameters of the soft starter for your application. Starting parameters for typical
types of applications are stored in the device parameters.
To achieve optimum motor starting, these parameters may need to be optimized on the
basis of the connected load using the "Settings" menu item, as described in chapter
Specifying the startup mode (Page 63).
If your particular load is not listed, select any load and optimize the defined parameters, if
necessary, using the "Settings" menu item as described in chapter Specifying the startup
mode (Page 63). The values of the basic factory settings of the parameters, and the
predefined assignment of the control inputs and outputs, are listed in chapter Technical data
(Page 253).
If you confirm the last item "Save settings - execute?" by entering "Yes" in the quick start
menu, you can only return to this menu by resetting the device to its basic factory settings
(refer to "Restoring the factory settings" in chapter Saving options (Page 102)). This
overwrites all settings made up to that point.