Installation, connection and feeder configuration
4.2 Design of the feeder
3RW44 soft starters
Manual, 03/2017, NEB535219502000/RS-AB/008
Soft starters in inside-delta circuits
A motor whose windings can be connected in a delta circuit where a line voltage prevails.
Line voltage:
400 V
Rated motor current:
40.5 A
Current via soft starter in inside-delta circuit:
approx. 24 A
Selected soft starter in inside-delta circuit:
3RW44 22
Figure 4-4
Nameplate of a 22 kW motor
The SIRIUS 3RW44 soft starter can be dimensioned to match the current flowing in the
motor section (58 % of the conductor current) by connecting it to the delta winding of the
motor. This requires at least 6 motor lines.