PROFIBUS DP communication module
9.10 Data formats and data sets
3RW44 soft starters
Manual, 03/2017, NEB535219502000/RS-AB/008
Statistical data on device service life
Operating hours
The soft starter records 2 operating hour values:
Motor operating hours
Specifies for how long the motor was switched on
Operating hours of the device (soft starter)
This indicates how long the 115 V AC or 230 V AC voltage supply of the soft starter
was switched on.
Both operating hour values are recorded in data set 95 - "Read statistics". They are
entered in the "Operating hours" data field at 1-second intervals. The operating hours
are recorded in the range from 0 to 232 seconds in 1-second increments.
Number of overload trips
The soft starter counts the number of overload trips in the range from 0 to 65535.
Number of starts motor CW/CCW
The soft starter counts the number of starts in the range from 0 to 232
Example: if current flows in the main circuit after the "Motor ON" command, the value is
incremented by 1.
Number of starts, outputs 1 to 4
Motor current I
The soft starter measures the current in all 3 phases and displays the current of the
highest loaded phase as a percentage [%] of the set current I
Data format: 1 byte, 8-bit current format
Example: Set current I
= 60 A
Displayed motor current 110 %
then corresponds to 60 A x 1.1 = 66 A
All 3 phase currents are available in data block 94
Last trip current
The soft starter measures the current in all 3 phases and displays the current that is
flowing in the highest loaded phase when tripping occurs as a percentage [%] of the set
current I
and in amperes [A]
Data format: 2 byte, 9-bit current format
Example: Set current I
= 60 A
Indicated motor current 455 % then corresponds to 60 A x 4.55 = 273 A