Building Technologies
Basic documentation: Communication via the KNX bus
HVAC Products
Device addresses via ACS
Addressing devices with the OCI700.1 service tool
The Synco 700 bus devices, Synco 900 type QAX910 central apartment unit, the
OZW775 central communication unit and the RXB/RXL room controllers are all set
with device address 255 when they leave the factory. Exception: The OZW775
central communication unit is factory-set with device address 150.
Only limited communication is possible with device address 255. Devices with this
address are highlighted in red in the "Edit device list" dialog box.
For full communications, the device address must be in the range 1…253 (address
254 is reserved for the OCI700.1 service tool).
The requirements for assigning the device address are as follows:
The OCI700.1 service tool / ACS7… software must be installed on the PC/laptop
The user must be logged on at "Service" or "Administrator" level
The PC/laptop must be connected to the KNX bus via the OCI700 service
interface, either:
Directly, via the bus socket, or
Indirectly, to a Synco bus device with an RJ45 tool interface
The OCI700 service interface does not
supply power to the KNX bus.
Decentral or central bus power supply is required for communication via the KNX
bus (see section 2.2).
The next sections describe the step-by-step procedure and the possible types of
addressing for the Synco bus devices.
The steps described for the addressing of the Synco bus devices cannot be applied
to third-party devices.
Important note
Bus power supply
Device address and
device name