Building Technologies
Basic documentation: Communication via the KNX bus
HVAC Products
Device address and device name
We recommend that the device name be defined at the design engineering stage.
To assign a name, select the Service level and the following path:
Main menu > Settings > Texts >
Write the text, via the "Texts" page and the line "Dv. Name" (= Device name):
Turn the knob as required for access to the "Device name" page.
Turn the knob clockwise and select a character.
Press the knob to import the selected character to the text line.
Save the text line in the device:
Turn the knob counterclockwise until the
field is displayed.
Press the knob to save the text line in the device.
Press ESC (repeatedly) to return to the start page, and check the device name.
The device name may contain up to 21 alphanumeric characters (maximum 21
characters including spaces)
Device names cannot be assigned to the Synco 700 type RMZ78x extension
At the same time as the device address, a device name can be assigned with the
ACS Service software to every device (see section 5.2.1).
Assigning device
Dv name: