SIG-00-22-02 JUNE 2022 (Revised September 2022)
Version : B.1
The PSO may be used in receiver mode only. Here the 2 receivers can optionally be used. In
this mode, the PSO receivers are logically independent of other PSO crossing logic used in the
GCE system. Occupancy of these receivers will not automatically activate the crossing. If they
are required to be part of the crossing logic they need to be tied in with the receivers used on
the PSO module set in crossing Mode, or fed into the crossing logic in another manner (see
section regarding PSO receiver Enable).
In this mode, the Wrap Pick Delay time is still available.
Figure 10-13 PSO Transmitter when mode=Rx Only PSO ‘N’ Island
Figure 10-14 shows the PSO Island menu when the internal island is used. The island menu is
only visible when the PSO Module Mode is to Crossing.
Island Mode
: range Internal, External, default Internal
Isl Freq Category
: range Standard, Alternate, default Standard
Isl Frequency
: range see below, default Not Set
Isl Pickup Delay Time
: range 2 to 30 sec, default 2 sec.
Isl Enable Used
: range Yes, No, default No