SIG-00-22-02 JUNE 2022 (Revised September 2022)
Version: B.1 System View - Check Numbers
The check numbers screen has been updated to show the PSO Check Numbers (PCNs) and
Field Check Numbers (FCNs).
Figure 3-122 Web UI Check Numbers Screen
The TCN and FCN will show a value of 0 if the PSO module is not fully configured and
calibrated and in session with the CPU (for the powered side).
When only a transmitter is used on the PSO module, the TCN will show 0.
The TCN will change whenever the PSO module receiver or island is recalibrated.
If a parameter is changed which causes the PSO receiver or island to require calibration, then
the TCN will show zero.
If a parameter that affects the TCN is changed, so calibration is required, but
then it is changed back to its original value, the PSO will no longer require
calibration, but the TCN is updated to a new value, as the TCN is
recalculated when the PSO goes from an uncalibrated to a calibrated state.
The FCN is an overall check number covering the PCNs for all used PSO Modules and the
crossing controller lamp voltage settings. It will also show 0 if any PSO receiver or island is not