5.5 Commissioning using the BOP
Control Units CU240S
Operating Instructions, 07/2008 - FW 3.2, A5E00766042B AD
When the safety commissioning mode is initiated a password must be set in parameter
P9761. The default password for the system is 12345, it is highly recommended that this
password is changed to ensure complete security of the fail-safe function parameters. More
detailed description of this process is given in the following flow charts.
The commissioning process of fail-safe functions would normally be accomplished with the
use of either the STARTER software or the optional Basic Operator Panel (BOP).
When changing fail-safe settings, the parameters for both processors (e.g. 9603 and 9803)
must be changed, otherwise a checksum error will occur.
Example: To select SLS, SS1 and STO via PROFIsafe communication and in parallel SLS
via FDI0 and STO via FDI1 the following has to be set:
● P9603.1 = P9803.1 = 1 (SLS via FDI0)
● P9603.4 = P9803.4 = 1 (STO via FDI1)
● P9603.7 = P9803.7 = 1 (SLS, SS1 and STO via PROFIsafe)
Once both write actions have been verified by the system, a checksum is created. When
commissioning has been completed, a checksum for all the data held in both memories is
created and continually checked to verify the integrity of the data.
Completing the commissíoning of fail-safe functions
To complete commissioning of fail-safe functions use setting P3900 = 10, which accepts all
the changes to the fail-safe parameters. All values stored on both processors are checked
and if no discrepancies are found the inverter state will change from "safety commissioning"
to "ready".
If, however, a discrepancy is found safety commissioning can not be finished. The fault
number will be shown in r0947. In this case interrupt the safety commissioning with P3900 =
11 to reload to the former stored settings. To reset all fail-safe parameters to their default
values perform a factory reset of fail-safe parameters with P0970 = 10.
It is also recommended to perform a factory reset of fail-safe parameters with P0970 = 10, if
a fault has been made during safety commissioning, and the system is in an undefined state.
Behavior of inverter on completion of commissioning
The following behavior should be noted when commissioning the inverter:
After commissioning the fail-safe functions the fail-safe parameters are automatically
stored in the RAM and EEPROM.
If an MMC is plugged into the CU, this is not affected by normal commissioning or
commissioning the fail-safe functions.
To save the EEPROM content on an MMC, an upload from the inverter to the MMC has
to be performed.
After commissioning the fail-safe functions, an acceptance test must be carried out.