6.4 Communication via PROFIBUS
Control Units CU240S
Operating Instructions, 07/2008 - FW 3.2, A5E00766042B AD
Create a response data block e.g. DB2 for the response
Figure 6-10 Response data block e.g. DB2 for the response
Table 6-32 Parameter response
Request_reference mirror = 0x01
Response_ID = 0x01
Response header
Drive_object_ID_mirrored = 0x00
No_of_parameters = 0x02
Format_parameter_1 = 0x06
No_of_values_parameter_1 = 0x08
error_code_01 = 0x054B (= 1355 dec, F1355)
error_code_02 = 0x0000
Parameter Value(s)
error_code_08 = 0x0000
Format_parameter_2 = 0x06
No_of_values_parameter_2 = 0x08
error_value_01 = 0x054B (= 1355 dec, F1355)
error_value_02 = 0x00
Parameter Value(s)
error_value_08 = 0x00