5.5 Commissioning using the BOP
Control Units CU240S
Operating Instructions, 07/2008 - FW 3.2, A5E00766042B AD
Commissioning the Application
After the motor - inverter combination has been commissioned using quick commissioning,
the following parameters should be set according to the requirements of the specific
application. As an example, the following points should be considered:
● Functional requirements of the inverter (for example, closed-loop process control with PID
● Limit values
● Dynamic requirements
● Starting torques
● Load surge requirement
● Overload
● Diagnostics
For information to functions refer to the Function Manual.
Commissioning the application - step-by-step description
The parameters designated with an "*" offer more setting options than are listed here. Refer
to the Parameter Manual for additional settings. For detailed information refer to the Function
General settings
P0003 = 3
User access level*
1: Standard: Allows access into most frequently used parameters (default)
2: Extended: Allows extended access e.g. to inverter I/O functions
3: Expert: For expert use only
P0014 = …
Store mode
0: Volatile (RAM) (default)
1: Nonvolatile (EEPROM)
P0210 = …
Supply voltage (enter the voltage in V)
This parameter enters the real line supply voltage to which the Inverter is connected. Only
necessary if P1254 = 0 (default: P1254 = 1).
P0290 = 2
Inverter overload reaction
This defines the response of the Inverter to an internal over temperature.
0: Reduce output frequency
1: Trip (F0004)
2: Reduce pulse frequency and output frequency (default)
3: Reduce pulse frequency then trip (F0004)
P0335 = 0
Motor cooling (enter the motor cooling system)
0: Self-cooled using the shaft mounted fan attached to the motor (default)
1: Force-cooled using the separately powered cooling fan
2: Self-cooled and internal fan
3: Force-cooled and internal fan