6.4 Communication via PROFIBUS
Control Units CU240S
Operating Instructions, 07/2008 - FW 3.2, A5E00766042B AD
Read Parameters
● The PROFIBUS master has been commissioned and is fully operational.
● PROFIBUS communication between master and slave is operational.
● The master can read and write data sets in conformance with PROFIBUS DPV1.
Task description
Following the occurrence of at least one fault (ZSW1.3 = 1) the first 8 active fault codes must
be read from the fault buffer r0947[0] … r0947[7]. The accompanied faults values of the fault
code are important for the user. These must be read from parameter r0949 [0] ...r0949[7].
The request is to be handled using a request and response data block.
Create a request data block e.g. DB1 to read the parameters
Figure 6-9
Request data block e.g. DB1 to read the parameters
Table 6-31 Parameter request
Request_reference = 0x01
Request_ID = 0x01
Request header
Drive_object_ID = 0x00
No_of_parameters = 0x02
Attribute_parameter_01 = 0x10 No_of_elements_01 = 0x08
parameter_number_01 (PNU) = 03B3 (= 947 dec, P0947)
Parameter Address_01
Subindex_01 = 0x00
Attribute_parameter_02 = 0x10 No_of_elements_02 = 0x08
parameter_number_02 (PNU) = 03B5 (= 949 dec, P0949)
Parameter Address_02
Subindex_02 = 0x00