V02 | 07.2013
206) Bypass sequence
Selection menu for the bypass functions.
No Bypass:
Hot water is not added to the beverage via
the bypass. The "207 Bypass water" para-
meter does not appear.
"With coffee" bypass:
Coffee and water are dispensed simulta-
neously (in parallel) and are mixed directly
after the brewing unit.
This process is not visible. The water volume
(in sec) set in the "207 Bypass water" para-
meter is distributed between the brewing unit
and the brewing accelerator.
"After/before coffee" bypass:
Coffee and water are dispensed consecuti-
vely. This procedure can be detected when
clear water is dispensed. Suitable for large
quantities of additional water. The water vo-
lume for the additional water is set in the "207
Bypass water" parameter in ml.
No Bypass
With coffee
After coffee
Before coffee
IMPORTANT: The bypass
valve NEVER opens lon-
ger than the brewing val-
ve. If the time setting of the
bypass valve exceeds the
opening duration of the
brewing valve, the bypass
valve is closed together
with the brewing valve.
A 0.6 mm restrictor is loca-
ted after the bypass valve
to restrict the flow of water
through the bypass.
The "15 Bypass water pre-
sent" system parameter is
switched on.
207) Bypass water
"With coffee" setting:
If "With coffee" is selected from the selection
list in the "206 Bypass sequence" parameter,
the setting for the bypass water is in sec.
"Before/after coffee" setting:
If "Before/after coffee" is selected from the
selection list in the "206 Bypass sequence"
parameter, the setting for the additional wa-
ter is in ml.
"With coffee":
0-30 sec
1-500 ml
Note the instructions in the
"206 Bypass sequence"
The "15 Bypass water pre-
sent" system parameter is
switched on and a bypass
function is selected in the
"206 Bypass sequence"
208) Initial pressure
Selection menu for the compression pressu-
re in the brewing piston:
Defines the pressure of the lower piston
against the ground coffee in the brewing
The higher the pressure, the slower the cof-
fee water flows through the ground coffee
into the brewing chamber.
Standard values are:
5 (ristretto)
4 (espresso)
3 (coffee)
4 (cappuccino)
3 (milk coffee)
3 (l.macchiato)
4 (chociatto)
4 (white americano)
4 (americano)
209) Pre-infuse
Pre-infusion process:
The pre-infusion water quantity set here is
added to the pressed ground coffee in the
brewing chamber.
The pre-infusion water quantity is absorbed
by the pressed ground coffee. For this proce-
dure, a resting time must be set in the "210
Delay pre-infuse" parameter.
1 g of coffee can absorb ca. 1 ml of water.
Therefore, the quantity of pre-infusion water
should not exceed the quantity of ground cof-
0-15 ml
Standard values are:
10 ml (ristretto)
10 ml (espresso)
0 ml (coffee)
10 ml (cappuccino)
10 ml (milk coffee)
10 ml (l.macchiato)
10 ml (chociatto)
5 ml (white americano)
5 ml (americano)
The pre-infusion process
increases the water pres-
sure and consequently the
flow-through time.
Parameters: Coffee settings
Display text
Setting range