V02 | 07.2013
19) Milk level detection
"No detection" setting:
Milk detection is configured but is not in use.
No detection
The standard setting is
The "16 Milk level sensor"
system parameter must be
Note the "20 Milk producti-
on after empty" parameter.
"Warning" setting:
If a low milk level is detected, a message ap-
pears on the display. Other milk beverages
can be dispensed.
"Disable serving" setting:
If the milk level drops to a low level, a messa-
ge appears on the touch screen. Further dis-
pensing of milk beverages is disabled.
Disable serving
Intelligent mode:
If the milk level drops to a low level, a messa-
ge appears on the touch screen. Further dis-
pensing of milk beverages is possible in the
quantity set in the "20 Milk production after
empty" parameter.
Intelligent mode
20) Milk production after empty
Defines the number of milk beverages that
can be dispensed after the "Milk level low"
message appears.
The standard setting is
The "19 Milk level detecti-
on" parameter must be set
to "Intelligent mode".
21) Cup detection
Cup presence detection:
Activates or deactivates the cup sensor.
The standard setting is
The "17 Cup sensor" sy-
stem parameter must be
22) Blocked while clean
Application and function with two machines
and Center Milk:
"ON" setting:
Coffee beverages (without milk) can be dis-
pensed from the other machine.
"OFF" setting:
Beverages cannot be dispensed from either
of the two machines during cleaning.
The standard setting is
"Center Milk" must be
selected in the "7 Fresh
milk system" system para-
23) Simultaneous coffee and
Function for 1 phase/16A machines
"ON" setting:
Coffee and steam can be dispensed simulta-
neously independently of the coffee water
The standard setting is
The "4 Mains connection"
system parameter is set to
"1 phase 16 A".
24) Milk system on/off prompt
"ON" setting:
After the cleaning procedure, an instruction
appears to switch on or off the milk system.
The standard setting is
Parameters: General Parameters
Display text
Setting range