Hardware Manual for the PCD2.M5 Series│Document 26/856; Version EN 12│2014-07-24
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
PCD2.M5_ Classic CPUs and expansion housings
X4 - Port #1
All PCD7.F1xx modules can be used here without restriction (for RS-232, use PCD7.
F121 only).
(See also latest manual for the connection layout for the PCD7.F1xx)
The PCD2.T81x/.T85x internal modems must be inserted into I/O module slot #4
(bottom right), to allow them to use the TTL interface on Port#1.
X3 - Port #2
All PCD7.F1xx modules can be used here without restriction (for RS-232, use PCD7.
F121 only).
(See also latest manual for the connection layout for the PCD7.F1xx)
X10 - Port#8
(For Profibus DP/CAN and future communication modules; in preparation for Slot C)
3.5.5 Replace housing cover
Position upper part of housing over the CPU
Before pressing down, ensure that all plug-in connections are correctly
positioned and connected
Then tighten both Torx Plus bolts. Replace housing cover.
To ensure that the PCD works properly (earthing), the upper part of the housing must
be screwed back on.
3.5.6 I/O module slots
All PCD2.Axxx/.Bxxx/.Exxx/.Gxxx/.Hxxx/.Wxxx I/O modules can be plugged into the
8 available I/O module slots. The PCD2.T81x/.T85x internal modems, which use the
TTL interface, must be plugged into Slot 4 (bottom right).
The first 4 slots (addresses 0...63) are fitted with SPI interfaces for intelligent modules
(e.g. PCD2.F2xxx, but not yet available).
The PCD2.M5_ has removable I/O covers. The I/O plug connectors can now be
accessed without removing the plug-in terminal blocks (X3...X6), and the circuit board
is thus protected.
To remove the I/O cover, place the thumbs on the I/O housing cover and push the I/O
cover away with the fingers.
I/O covers (Slot#0 to #3 and Slot#4 to #7)