Hardware Manual for the PCD2.M5 Series│Document 26/856; Version EN 12│2014-07-24
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Motion control modules
Input/output (I/O) modules
Motion control modules for stepper motors
PCD2.H210 Motion control module for stepper motors
I/O modules and I/O terminal blocks may only be plugged in and removed when the
PCD and the ex24 V are disconnected from the power supply.
6.17.1 PCD2.H210, Motion control module for stepper motors
The PCD2.H210 module provides fully autonomous control and monitoring of stepper
motor travel, with run-up and braking ramps. The commands for stepper motor mo-
tion cycles are transmitted to the module by function blocks in the user program.
During motion, the SM processor monitors the frequency profile and the acceleration
and braking ramps to move the axis to the destination position without loss of steps.
Each module controls an independent axis. The module supplies a monophase pulse
string which is conveyed to a suitable electronic drive. The module has 4 inputs and 4
Technical data
Number of axes:
Positioning distance (counting
… 16,777,215 (24 Bit)
Frequency ranges (selectable) *):
2,431 Hz
4,864 Hz
9,727 Hz
19,454 Hz
Acceleration *):
1224 kHz/s, non-linear range division, dependent
on selected frequency range
Profile generator:
with symmetrical acceleration and braking ramps
Data protection:
All data in this module are volatile
(non-volatile PCD registers are available).
Digital inputs
Number of inputs:
Terminal 0 = I0
Terminal 1 = I1
Terminal 2 = I2
Terminal 3 = I3
configurable as emergency stop or for general use
configurable as limit switch LS1 or for general use
configurable as reference switch or for general use
configurable as limit switch LS2 or for general use
Nominal voltage:
24 V
“low" range:
-30 …
+5 V
“high" range: +15 …
30 V for source operation,
for safety reasons, normally-closed contacts (negative
logic) should be used
Input current:
typically 6.5 mA