Page 904
Page 904
ISO 9650
3. Storage limiting period
3.1 Following a service, the storage limiting period for the liferaft is 12 months,
provided that the storage conditions comply with approved standards
(Paragraph A above) and meet with the concurrence of the approval
authority of the country concerned. At the end of that period the liferaft must
3.1.1 unfolded and inspected, before further storage.
3.1.2 serviced and tested, prior to being operationally packed for
installation on vessel stowages.
3.2 Liferafts not operationally packed and placed in store (for more than 30
days) must be re-tested before being operationally packed and installed on a
vessel (Chapter 5).
3.3 If a liferaft is operationally packed in a container, it can operate in a wide
range of temperature and humidity, equivalent to those found in service
worldwide. Always make sure the drainage apertures in the bottom of the
container point straight down; make sure they are not blocked by dirt. Do
not deliberately make containers wet.
3.3.1 Do not direct water from hoses at containers.
3.3.2 Do not leave containers in flooded places.
3.4 All lines which go through the container to the Liferaft must have protective
sheaths at their outer ends. These sheaths will prevent water from seeping
into the container. If a line has been pulled from the container to expose a
part of the line which is not covered by a sheath, call a Service Station to
rectify the packing as soon as possible.
3.5 Do not roll a container when it is necessary to move it.
3.6 Operationally packed Liferafts are approved for use on board ship for at
least twelve months. National Authorities may grant extensions to the original
operational period. At the end of a period of operational use, Revere Supply
recommends that all liferafts should immediately be opened for inspection
and service. Any contaminants which may have entered the container will be
removed before they cause damage.