Storing and Loading Instrument Data
1401.3084.32 4.107
Save As...
Opens the window
Choose a filename to save under
for creating a
file to store the current instrument settings.
Save in:
Selects the directory in which the file with the
instrument setting is to be stored.
Remote-control command:
MMEM:CDIR "d:\user"
File List
All files containing instrument settings are listed in
the selected directory.
If a file is highlighted the file name is entered
automatically in the entry field
File name:
. Then
the current settings will overwrite the settings in
the file.
Remote-control command:
File name:
Enter the file name of the file without file extension.
This file is then created.
To modify an existing configuration a file can be
selected also. Then the current settings will
overwrite the settings in the file.
Remote-control command:
*SAV 4
MMEM:STOR:STAT 4,'d:\test.savrcl'
Save as type:
The instrument assigns the file extension *.savrcl
(Save/Recall Files) to the file automatically. This
suffix is preset and cannot be entered.
Remote-control command: -
Stores the current instrument settings under the
specified path and closes the window.
Remote-control command:
*SAV 4
MMEM:STOR:STAT 4,'d:\test.savrcl'
Terminates the action and closes the window. The
current settings remain unsaved.
Remote-control command: -