ESPLXD-ET Controller
The Line Survey results will be displayed on a single screen.
Interpreting Line Survey Results
A and B represent the two phases of the 2-Wire control system (not
the two wires in the 2-Wire path). The Voltage1 reading for a normal
healthy system is typically in the +14.0 to + 16.0 range for both A and
B. The Voltage2 reading is typically in the -20.0 to -21.0 range for both
A and B. The Voltage1 reading should be approximately equal for A and
B, and the Voltage2 reading should also be approximately equal for A
and B.
If the Voltage1 or Voltage2 readings are 0.0 for either A or B, then one of
the wires on the 2-Wire path are probably shorted to ground.
Milliamperage (mA) varies with the number of decoders installed on
your system and should be approximately equal to the amperage
calculations detailed above for both A and B.
Three flags also appear below the voltage and amperage readings. For
a normal healthy system the flags should typically read OK; abnormal
readings will cause the flag to change to Not OK.
If the temperature flag reads Not OK, discontinue irrigation and allow
your system to cool for an hour or more before repeating the line survey.
If the Current or Overload flags read Not OK, short circuits within your
2-Wire path are typically to blame. However, a Not OK Current flag can
also be due to one or more misconfigured decoders, and a Not OK
Overload flag can be caused by a dead short.
If any of the Line Survey results are irregular, it’s best to attempt to
carefully check the 2-Wire path for short circuits and rerun the test.
If you have checked your 2-Wire path and believe it to be in good
condition, checking specific decoders can often help identify specific
issues (see Ping Decoders below).
ESPLXD-ET user-manual (670504-01) artwork_120716.indb 55
7/16/2012 3:48:19 PM