ESPLXD-ET Controller
Probable Cause
Low Weather Signal
If data reception accuracy is less than 50% then the
Low Weather Signal Accuracy message is displayed.
There are 4 reasons the Weather Signal Accuracy
may be low:
The Signal Accuracy % is based on the last 16 days,
so if there was a period of no data, it will take time
for the % to increase.
Signal service has been canceled by the Weather
Signal Provider.
The Signal Provider is having technical difficulties.
Weak radio reception.
Weak radio reception or radio interference may cause missed weather
signals. A Remote Mounting Kit may be needed to improve radio
reception. Contact your Rain Bird Distributor to find out more information
about an optional Remote Mounting Kit (ETM – RMK). Turn the dial to
the ETM™/IQ
or ETM™/IQ
position. From the Moisture Levels
screen, press the Alrt button to check for other Alert Messages and refer
to trouble shooting for applicable message(s). It may be that your WRSP
had system problems that interrupted the weather signal for a period of
time. If data continues to be missed for several days, contact your WRSP,
to check if there has been interruption in the weather signal.
NOTE: A calculated ET value based on previously received weather
information and the historical ET programmed in your ET Manager will
be used.
No Paging Signal Detected The ET Manager Cartridge verifies the presence of
the Paging Signal every minute. If the paging signal
is not detected after a period of time, this message
will be displayed. There are 3 reasons the weather
signal would not be detected;
The radio needs to be reset.
The Signal Provider Code has not been set correctly.
Weak radio reception.
If this Alert Message occurs, wait two minutes to ensure the weather
signal will not be detected within the next few minutes. If the Alert
Message remains, follow these steps:
Follow the steps in the Weather Signal section to test the Weather Signal.
From the Weather Signal screen, press More, then Reset, then Back.
Wait two minutes. If the Signal changes from “Not Detected” to
“Detected,” your paging signal has been restored.
Verify the Signal Provider Code is programmed correctly. If the code was
programmed incorrectly, enter correct values and repeat steps 1 and 2 as
If the Signal Provider Code is programmed correctly and the Alert
Message remains, an external mounting kit may be needed to improve
radio reception. Contact your Rain Bird Distributor to find out more
information about an optional Remote Mounting Kit (ETM-RMK).
ESPLXD-ET user-manual (670504-01) artwork_120716.indb 61
7/16/2012 3:48:21 PM