2461Type C User Manual
Programming The Type C Function Card 4-30
Racal Instruments
MEASure1:ARRay:FREQuency? 100
Instructs the 2461 TYPE C to take 100 frequency
measurements on channel 1.
MEASure[1 | 3][:SCALar]:FREQuency:RATio?[<expected value>,
MEASure[1 | 3] :ARRay:FREQuency:RATio?<array
size>[,<Expected value>,<resolution>]
These commands set the 2461 TYPE C to measure the ratio
of frequencies of the signals on input channels 1 and or input
channels 3 and 2.
The ARRay command programs the counter for multiple
frequency ratio measurements as specified by the <array
size> parameter.
The optional <expected value> and <resolution> parameters
are used to derive the required number of digits of resolution.
They have no units. The actual resolution derived by the
2461 TYPE C is determined by both the input signal and the
resolution set.
*RST Resolution = 8
MEASure1:ARRay:FREQuency:RATio? 50,10E6,1
Instructs the 2461 TYPE C to measure the frequencies of the
signals on channel 1 and 2 and derive their ratio (50 times).
MEASure[1][:SCALar]:FTIMe? [<expected value>, <resolution>]
MEASure[1]:ARRay:FTIMe <array size>? [,<expected value>,
MEASure[1][:SCALar]:FALL:TIME? [<expected value>,
MEASure[1]:ARRay:FALL:TIME <array size>? [,<expected value>,
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