SuperLoader 3 Autoloader User’s Guide
circuit board or sealed housing. Component-level repair is not
included in this number as this type of repair cannot be
performed in the field.
The material or device used to store information in a storage
subsystem, such as a tape or disk drive. DLTtape media is a high-
grade metal particle (MP) formulation that takes advantage of the
latest advances in binder chemistry. By combining both solid and
liquid lubricants in the tape binder system, tape and head wear
are reduced while repelling airborne particles that could affect
read/write head performance. In addition, by using a uniform
particle shape, a dense binding system, a smooth coating surface,
and a specially selected base file, Quantum DLTtape half-inch
cartridge tapes take advantage of shorter wavelength recording
schemes to ensure read compatibility with future generations of
DLT drives.
Metal Particle (MP) tape
A magnetic recording media in which a flexible
base is coated with a mixture of magnetic particles and a bonding
agent. See also media.
The integrated circuit chip that performs the bulk of
data processing and controls the operation of all of the parts of
the system.
microsecond (
One millionth of a second (.000001 sec.).
millisecond (ms)
One thousandth of a second (.001 sec.).
A somewhat out-of-date term used to describe a class of
multi-user computer that was one notch below a mainframe
system. Minicomputer popularity fell with the rise in popularity
of the networked PC. Today’s server systems perform many of
the functions that were once the domain of minicomputers.
Mission Critical
Applications that are vital to a company or
organization’s well-being.
native mode
Refers to the uncompressed storage capacity of a tape or
disk subsystem. for instance, a DLT 7000 tape drive can store 35
GB in native mode and 70 GB with 2:1 compression.
near-on-line storage
An application that uses a tape drive or tape
automation system in much the same way as a hard disk drive.
Provides easy access to large amounts of critical information.