Important Manual/Firmware Revision Information
This manual and the operating firmware for the TLS are revised periodically as the
product is improved. This manual was revised to correspond with the firmware ver-
sion indicated below. Do not use this manual with different part numbers or prior ver-
sions of the firmware. Check with Qualstar Technical Support about use of this man-
ual with newer firmware.
Manual Corresponding
TLS-4000 Technical Service Manual
501380 Rev. B, April 14, 2004
TLS Executive Firmware
700105 Version 2.21
Copyright Notice
2004 by Qualstar Corporation — All Rights Reserved
Information contained in this document is copyrighted by Qualstar Corporation. It is
intended for use by Qualstar’s customers and prospective customers to evaluate, inte-
grate, operate and maintain Qualstar products. Customers and prospective customers
may reproduce this document as needed for these uses. Reproduction in whole or in
part for any other use or by any other party is prohibited without prior written per-
mission from Qualstar Corporation.
Every effort has been made to keep the information contained in this document cur-
rent and accurate as of the date of publication or revision. However, no guarantee is
given or implied that the document is error-free or that it is accurate with regard to
any specification. Qualstar reserves the right to modify product designs and specifica-
tions without notice.
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Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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trademark of Qualstar Corporation.
Qualstar products are covered by one or more of the following patents:
6,163,139 and 6,560,061. Other patents pending.
Qualstar equipment is manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts. In some
cases, Qualstar equipment may not be new and may have been previously installed.
Regardless, Qualstar’s warranty terms apply unless the equipment is specifically
identified by Qualstar as “used” or “refurbished”.
501380 Rev. B