When an error message is displayed (Error code list)
Too many mod. settings
The number of modules is invalid. (The num-
ber of terminals is excessive.) The project file
may not have been transferred successfully.
Transfer the project file again.
Repeat driver settings
Driver registration is duplicated. The project
file may not have been transferred successfully.
Transfer the project file again.
I/O setting mismatch
The terminal setting is invalid. (The I/O setting
in the module does not match.) The project file
may not have been transferred successfully.
Transfer the project file again.
Bit/Word mismatch
The terminal setting is invalid. (The variable
type setting in the module does not match.)
The project file may not have been transferred
successfully. Transfer the project file again.
Invalid level
The driver is invalid. The project file may not
have been transferred successfully. Transfer
the project file again.
Invalid address
The driver information or controller informa-
tion is invalid. The project file may not have
been transferred successfully. Transfer the
project file again.
Invalid driver ID
Because an error occurred during driver/mod-
ule registration, the driver/module has not been
registered. The project file may not have been
transferred successfully. Transfer the project
file again.
Invalid module order
The module numbers are not arranged in
ascending order. The project file may not have
been transferred successfully. Transfer the
project file again.
File version mismatch
The driver file version does not match. The
project file may not have been transferred suc-
cessfully. Transfer the project file again.
I/O board ID mismatch
The connected I/O board does not match. The
display model may be different.
Check the display model, and transfer the
project file again.
Unsupported model
The model does not support this driver. The
display model may be different. Check the dis-
play model, and transfer the project file again.
Error No.
Error Message
Cause and Solution