When an error message is displayed (Error code list)
RAAA121 D-Script Error
(These functions are
nested to 10 levels
or more.)
Functions in the D-Script are nested
to 10 levels or more.
Reduce the levels in the “if” and
“loop” structures.
A nesting level is when function A
calls function B, and then again
when function B calls function C
(function calling level).
GP-Pro EX Refer-
ence Manual
“21.8.3 loop - end-
loop” (page 21-71)
RAAA122 D-Script Error (An
expression exists,
that is not supported
by this version.)
An incompatible function was found
in the project data’s D-Script.
Update the runtime’s version.
RAAA123 D-Script Error (The
SIO operation func-
tion is used in a con-
dition where no
Device/PLC has
been set.)
SIO Operation functions are used in
a D-Script while the device/PLC set-
tings are not set. Configure the
device/PLC settings.
RAAA124 The D-Script has an
There is an error in the used D-
Script. Check the commands’ for-
GP-Pro EX Refer-
ence Manual
“Chapter 21 Com-
mands and
(page 21-1)
RAAA130 Global D-Script
Error. (The Total No.
of Global D-Scripts
exceeds the maxi-
mum of 32.)
The total number of Global D-
Scripts exceeds the limit. The maxi-
mum number of Global D-Scripts
available is 32 (each function also
counts as one script).
GP-Pro EX Refer-
ence Manual
“20.9.1 D-Script/
Global D-Script
(page 20-59)
RAAA131 Global D-Script
Error. (The total no.
of devices exceeds
the maximum of
The total of all devices in the Global
D-Script exceeds the limit of 255
devices. Reduce the number of used
devices by using the Memory Opera-
tion function, etc.
RAAA132 Global D-Script Error
(The specified func-
tion does not exist or
the function has an
The function called in the Global D-
Script does not exist. Or there is an
error in the function. Check the
function’s format.
GP-Pro EX Refer-
ence Manual
“Chapter 21 Com-
mands and
(page 21-1)
RAAA133 Global D-Script Error
(These functions are
nested to 10 levels
or more.)
Functions in the Global D-Script are
nested to 10 levels or more.
Reduce the levels in the “if” and
“loop” structures.
A nesting level is when function A
calls function B, and then again
when function B calls function C
(function calling level).
GP-Pro EX Refer-
ence Manual
“21.8.3 loop - end-
loop” (page 21-71)
Error No.
Error Message
Cause and Solution