Verbose Mode On
Entry Created
Tree Name : tree1
Profile Id : 3 Node Id : 2
Branch type : eq Child Profile Id : 4
Verbose Mode Off:
Entry Created
Output field:
Tree Name
Name of the classifier tree
Profile Id
Profile Id. It should be unique within a tree
Node Id
Node Id, should be unique within a profile
Branch type
This specifies the branch types. For a unary type
node, only onlybr(0xfffffffffffffff9) branch type is
allowed. For binary type and
Linear/Non-Linear(Access Deny only) type,
TrueBr(0xfffffffffffffffd) and FalseBr(0xfffffffffffffffe)
are allowed. For ternary type nodes
LtBr(0xfffffffffffffffc), GtBr (0xfffffffffffffffb), EqBr
(0xfffffffffffffffa) are allowed. For Linear,
Non-Linear (match in list) the actual value is
allowed. The actual value can be U8, U16, U32,
U64, atmIf, ethernetIf, aal5vc.
Child Profile Id
This object specifies Child Profile Id. The Child
Profile Id value 0, is used to add true and false
branches to a AccessDeny type node.