Start service VLAN Id
Start service VLAN Id of the range of service VLAN IDs. Invalid, if
the direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is
'out'. This field is invalid if 'vlanidcmp' is 'any'(7). This field and the
servicevlanidto field specify a range of service VLAN Ids, if
'servicevlanidcmp' is either 'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).In native
mode configuring this parameter will result in error.
End service VLAN Id
End service VLAN Id of the range of service VLAN IDs.Invalid, if
the direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is
'out'. This field and the servicevlanidfrom field specify a range of
service VLAN Ids, if 'servicevlanidcmp' is either 'inrange'(8) or
'exrange'(9).Otherwise, this field is invalid In native mode
configuring this parameter will result in error.
Start service priority
Start service priority tag of the range of priority tags. Invalid, if the
direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'.
This field is invalid if 'etherhPrioTagCmpType' is 'any'(7). This field
and the etherPriorityTagTo field specify a range of priority tags, if
'etherhPrioTagCmpType' is either 'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).In
native mode configuring this parameter will result in error.
End service priority tag
End service priority tag of the range of priority tags. Invalid, if the
direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'.
This field and the etherhPriorityTagFrom field specify a range of
service priority tags, if 'etherhServicePrioTagCmpType' is either
'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9). Otherwise this field is invalid. In native
mode configuring this parameter will result in error.
service Vlan Id
Service VLAN Id comparison type. This field must be 'any(7)', if
etherhPrioTagCmpType is not equal to 'any(7)'In native mode
configuring this parameter will result in error.
Service Priority tag
Service Priority tag comparison type.This field must be 'any(7)', if
vlanidcmp is not equal to 'any(7)'.In native mode configuring this
parameter will result in error.
Generic filter commands