$ get rmon queue rname tsk173
Name : TSK173 Start Addr : 0x520c700
Size : 10 Available Size : 9
Pending Msgs : 1 Msg Type : FIXED
Msg Size : 1 Suspend Type : PRIORITY
Tasks Waiting : 0 FirstTaskName : -
TotalMsgIn : 3 TotalMsgOut : 2
DropCount : 0 WaterMark : 3
LastMsgInFailPtr: 0x0 LastSender : TSK2
LastRecvr : TSK1 LastSenderFail : -
LastRecvFail : - ThreshHold : 10
ThresholdHitCount: 0
LastMsgOutTime : Thu Jan 01 00:04:17 1970
LastMsgInTime : Thu Jan 01 00:03:50 1970
LastMsgOutFailTime : -
LastMsgInFailTime : -
ThresholdHitTime : -
Output field:
Name of the Queue.
Start Addr
The Starting Address of the queue.
Size of the queue i.e the total number of unsigned
words (4 bytes) in the queue.
Available Size
Available size of the queue i.e. number of unsigned
words (4 bytes) free in the queue.
Pending Msgs
Number of messages present in the queue.
Msg Type
Type of the messages in the queue. If it is FIXED,
then all the messages in the queue are of a fixed size.
If it is VARIABLE , then the messages present in the
queue can be of varying size.
Msg Size
Size of the message in number of unsigned words (4
bytes). If the msg type is fixed, then it tells the exact
size of each message , else if the msg type is variable
then it tells the maximum message size.
Suspend Type
The task suspended type. Task suspend type on the
queue can be either FIFO (First In First Out) or