IDL series User Guide
at the location specified in the packet is in the range specified by
'Value' and 'ValEnd'. 'TerCmp' means check if the value at the
location specified in the packet is less than, equals to or greater than
the 'Value'. 'MatchInList' means take the branch of the node whose
value is equals to the value at the location specified in the packet.
'AccDeny' means check if the value at the location specified in the
packet is equals to any of the value of the branches of this node.
'SetBase' means set the base address as specified by setbase
action. 'SetPrio' means set the internal priority, which is used along
with egress port traffic class mapping table, to determine the output
queue. 'Count' means count the number of packet and bytes in the
packets reaching this nodes. 'RetagPrio' means set the prirority in
the outgoing packet, which is also used along with egress port traffic
class mapping table, to determine the output queue.
'MatchInGenList' means match value in packet with values in
genlist. For Leaf node, Drop, Fwd, FwdToCtl, CpToCtl, Allow and
GoToNextRule are valid actions. For Unary node, Count, SetPrio
and RetagPrio are valid actions. For Binary node, Eq, Gt, Lt,
SetBase and MatchInGenList are valid actions. For Ternary node,
TerCmp and InRange are valid actions. For Linear node, only
MatchInList is a valid action. For NonLinear node, MatchinList and
AccDeny are valid actions.
Modify -- Optional
valend valend
For Linear nodes this field is used to specify the end of the range. If
the gsvClfrTreeNodeAction is InRange then this field is used to
specify the end of the range. If the gsvClfrTreeNodeAction is count
then this field is used to specify the total number of packets hitting
this node. For other actions this field is not valid.
Modify -- Optional
Default value:
sbasetype Abs | Add |
SetBaseType, is used to specify, whether the base off set is to be
set to an absolute value, or some value is to be added to existing
base offset value to calculate new base offset value or the new base
offset value is to be computed using some value in the packet.This
field is valid only if the ActVal is SetBase.
Modify -- Optional
Default value:
shiftcnt shiftcnt
ShiftCount, is the number of times the Value in the packet is to be
shifted before multiplying it with the
gsvClfrTreeNodeMultiplier. This field is valid only if the
gsvClfrTreeNodeAction is SetBase.