9 Operation
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2021
7817454/02 EN
230 Expert
The circulating reactive current method is suited to transformers connected
in parallel with a similar nominal output and short-circuit voltage U
and to
vector groups with the same and different step voltages. This does not re-
quire any information about the tap position.
Note that the following prerequisites must be met for the "circulating reactive
current minimization" parallel operation method:
▪ You have to use current transformers with the same rated values for all
transformers in parallel operation.
▪ If you wish to operate in parallel operation with existing devices, you have
to activate the Retrofit TAPCON® 2xx parameter.
For the circulating reactive current minimization parallel operation method
with CAN communication, you have to set the following parameters:
▪ Activate parallel operation
▪ Parallel operation method: Circulating reactive current
▪ CAN bus address
▪ Circulating reactive current sensitivity
▪ Circul. reactive current blocking limit
▪ Error if no communication present
▪ Behavior if no communication present
▪ Parallel operation error delay time Circulating reactive current minimization without CAN bus
With this method, you can operate several voltage regulators without a com-
munication connection (CAN bus) in parallel with circulating reactive current
Desired cosφ
Desired cosφ
U, I, (cosφ)
T1: U, I, (cosφ)
T2: U, I, (cosφ)
Figure 58: Circulating reactive current minimization without CAN bus communication
The circulating reactive current is calculated using the desired power factor
parameter, the desired load stress type parameter, and the measured trans-
former current. An extra control deviation proportional to circulating reactive