Configuration and Troubleshooting
2-14 Manual # 42-02-2P26
Inspect Slew Filter
Smooths any harsh transitions in the commanded
speed for Inspection mode.
Drive Type
: Select drive type in use.
Emergency Brake Type
: Select emergency brake in use.
Unintended Motion
: Floor Zone or Door Zone. Floor Zone = The car has
drifted more than six inches from the landing with car and hall doors open.
Door Zone = The car has drifted more than three inches from the door zone
with car and hall doors open.
Brake Drop Delay
: Time in milliseconds that the brake should be delayed
from dropping after the speed command is dropped. Goal is to avoid drop-
ping the brake on a moving motor.
Speed Pick Delay
: Time in milliseconds after the brake is energized before
the speed command is issued. Used to prevent beginning movement under
a slow picking brake.
Speed Drop Delay
: Time in milliseconds during which the drive should
continue to exert motor control after the direction command is removed
(car has reached floor but brake has not yet dropped). Used for drives that
do not independently provide a parameter to extend this period of control.
Drive Disable Delay
: Time in milliseconds after stopping at a floor which
the drive should maintain electrical control of the motor. May be used to
compensate for a slow dropping brake.
Security Enabled
(Yes/No): Security on or off?
CC Enable Active Off
(Yes/No): Is car call enable signal active in off/low or
on/high state?
Enable DOB on Security
(Yes/No): Door open button functional if car is
stopped at a secured floor?
Ind Overrides Security
(Yes/No): Is security enforced on Independent
Remote Calls Override Sec
(Yes/No): Do remotely placed calls (through
touch screen, iMonitor, etc.) override security settings?
Park at Secured Floor
(Yes/No): Shall the car be allowed to park at a
secured floor?
Emergency Power Type
None: No emergency power available.
- Dispatcher: Emergency recall and run determined by dispatcher.
Overlay: Emergency recall and run determined through discrete I/O by
emergency power overlay system.
Cars to Run on EP
: Number of cars able to run on emergency power.
Pref Car to Run on EP2
: Preferred car to run on emergency power after
Bypass EP Sequencing
: When set to Yes, emergency power recall and
select to run phases are bypassed and the maximum number of cars are
selected to run on generator power without the need of an EP selection
EP Recall Floor
: Floor to which cars will recall on emergency power.
EP Recall Timeout
: Number of seconds the dispatcher should attempt to
recall a nonresponsive car before passing it by.
EP Door Operation
Open Doors: Doors open at recall floor. Default.
Cycle Doors: Door will cycle open and then close at recall floor.
Table 2.1 Touchscreen Organization and Content