Troubleshooting Reference
Dispatch Load (48)
The car load has surpassed the designated load point for lobby depar-
ture. Car will automatically prepare to leave the lobby floor. This is not a
normally supported input and should not appear unless the installer has
configured a spare input to support it and the load weigher used supports
this function. Fault-bypassed in Construction.
System Verifies:
- Status of input.
- Load Data = Load Dispatch
1. If in error, verify no input is programmed for this function.
2. Otherwise, verify state of input and input device.
3. Calibrate load weigher.
4. Verify input wiring.
Dispatcher Comm Loss (384)
The dispatching controller has lost CAN communication with the other
controller in a duplexed pair.
Door Faults Information:
Flag Definitions
- DOL Door Open Limit, DPM Door Position Monitor, GS Gate Switch (car door lock), DLAB
Door Lock Access Bottom, DLAT Door Lock Access Top, DLMS Door Lock Mid String, DCL Door Close Limit.
Normal Open State:
DOL=0=DPM=GS=(DLAB/DLAT/DLS depending on car location), DCL=1.
Normal Closed State
DLAB Open-Running (337)
The bottom door lock string was not made during a run. The car will
make an emergency stop.
1. Verify DLAB input electrically and mechanically.
2. Trouble shoot door lock string.
DLAT Open-Running (339)
Asserted if the top floor door lock string is not made during a run. The car
will make an emergency stop.
1. Verify DLAT input electrically and mechanically.
2. Trouble shoot lock string.
DLMS Open-Running (338)
Asserted if the middle door lock string is not made during a run. The car
will make an emergency stop.
1. Verify DLMS input electrically and mechanically.
2. Trouble shoot lock string.
DOB Bypass (36)
The Door Open Button is stuck. Fault-bypassed in Construction/Inspec-
System Verifies:
- Door Flags, Stuck DOB Timer = Elapsed
- Door Flags, DOB Bypassed and DOB Failed are not true.
1. Verify input and switch.
2. See if continuously active on System IO/Programmed Inputs, DOB.
DOB Fail (37)
The door open button has failed. Fault-bypassed in Construction.
System Verifies:
- Door Flags = DOB Failed
1. Verify DOB switch and wiring.
2. Verify door operator functioning properly.
Table 2.15 Touch Screen Event Listings