Troubleshooting Reference
Motor Time Out Shutdown (327)
The CONFIG01 timer, MOTOR/VALVE TIME LIMIT has been exceeded
(typical 5 minutes; max 30 minutes).
1. If car stalls in an express zone without door zone magnets it may take
more than 5 minutes to arrive at a landing. Increase timer setting to
allow sufficient time. Check event log for other events that may have
prevented car from moving. Verify no obstructions.
Movement Stalled (448)
Traction Only. The elevator is being commanded to level for more than
thirty seconds.
1. The elevator is not moving when being commanded to level.
2. The elevator moved past the floor without stopping.
MPSBR Failed to Turn Off (324)
Traction Only. The SCE-BRK module brake output (BR+/BR-) has failed to
turn off as reported by the BROM (Brake Output Monitor) input to the
SCE-CPU module. Cannot be bypassed.
System Verifies:
- BROM is high while BRPK is low
1. Verify brake output (SCE-BRK BR+/BR-).
2. Verify BRPK input to SCE-BRK is properly connected and not shorted.
MPSBR Failed to Turn On (235)
Traction Only. The SCE-BRK module brake output (BR+/BR-) has failed to
turn on as reported by the BROM (Brake Output Monitor) input to the
SCE-CPU module. Fault bypassed in Construction/Inspection.
System Verifies:
- BROM is low while BRPK is high
1. Verify brake output (SCE-BRK BR+/BR-).
2. Verify BRPK input to SCE-BRK is properly connected and not shorted.
MSAF Input Failure (7)
Generated if:
Code 1: MSAF unexpectedly active when 2MV bus is low.
Code 2: MSAF is unexpectedly inactive when 2MV bus is high and SAFP
and SAFB outputs are enabled. Cannot be bypassed.
1. Verify wiring and voltage on 2MV terminal of SCE-HVI board.
2. Verify status of M2MV, SAFP and SAFB, System IO > System Inputs.
MSAF Is High (282)
MSAF input unexpectedly high when 2MV bus is low or SAFB or SAFP out-
puts are inactive. Cannot be bypassed.
1. Verify M2MV, SAFB and SAFP through System IO > System Inputs.
2. Go to SPB DIAG > SPB Inputs. View flag MSAF B. This flag must toggle
during door operation as part of the cycle test.
3. Contact MCE; possible faulty SCE-HVI board.
MSAF Is Low (133)
MSAF input unexpectedly low when 2MV bus is high and SAFB and SAFP
outputs are active. If stopped, the car will not be allowed to move. If
moving, the car will stop at the destination floor and cancel all calls. Can-
not be bypassed.
System Verifies:
- Monitoring input MSAF low.
- M2MV bus has power.
1. Verify M2MV, SAFB and SAFP through System IO > System Inputs.
Table 2.15 Touch Screen Event Listings